How Bad Is Colorado's Water Shortage?

How Bad Is Colorado's Water Shortage?

How bad is Colorado Water shortage? Well its not great according to international researchers who took a look at Colorado Ground water. Christ and the Colorado Sun have yet again...
December 13, 2022 — Nick Millisor
How two brothers plan to save the world by packing a whole farm into shipping containers on a Denver used car lot

How two brothers plan to save the world by packing a whole farm into shipping containers on a Denver used car lot

The lettuce is blooming nicely on the rollaway walls. 

According to the farmer’s iPad, the calibrated nutrients are flowing smoothly and accurately through the tubes. 

It’s 30 degrees outside, but there’s a tantalizing garden of tangy, restaurant-ready produce inside this cozy, pristine shipping container. 

December 13, 2022 — Nick Millisor